PCO HOPE: Candlelight vigil remembers victims of opioid crisis
Sep 1, 2017Rich Harbert rharbert@wickedlocal.com @richharbertOCM PLYMOUTH – Men and women, young and old, some in uniform, all sporting smiles: one after another, the faces of the region’s opioid crisis filled a screen at New Hope Chapel in downtown Plymouth on Tuesday of last week, as the community gathered to remember those lost to addiction.The candlelight overdose vigil, sponsored by the Plymouth County Outreach HOPE, was held as part of national opioid awareness month. Forced indoors by threatening weather, the vigil featured battery-powered candles and cellphone flashlights instead of real flames, but the emotion was still very raw.Pastor Neil Eaton of New Hope Chapel said each light represented a love one lost. And while most everyone has been affected by the crisis, Eaton said he is encouraged to see people uniting against addiction.“What I’ve seen for the first time is a community that’s coming together. We’re coming together because we’re seeing what’s happened. Our families have been devastated and were not about to sit around and do nothing. We’re locked in arms,” Eaton said.“Love is rising, like I have not seen in Plymouth before. People are connecting. Look at all the organizations working together,” Eaton said. “I think that’s a very beautiful thing.”Plymouth Police Capt. John Rogers said the public was invited to submit photographs of loved ones lost to addiction for the vigil. More than two dozen people were represented in the vigil, but that is still a fraction of people lost in Plymouth alone.The region has experienced a slight decrease in the number of drug-related deaths so far this year, but the numbers are still staggering. Just last week, Plymouth recorded its eighth fatal overdose of the year. Plymouth reported 18 fatal overdoses in 2016 and more the year before.Sean Merrill of Teen Challenge provided his own emotional testimony about recovery, after the vigil. Merrill’s battle with addiction started when his brother introduced him to happy pills afte... (Wicked Local Carver)